Our students range from severely at-risk to struggling with one or more subject areas.  We work with students whose learning and school experience may be affected by the following challenges:

  • Dyslexia

  • Dysgraphia

  • Learning disabilities


  • Problems with executive functioning

  • Emotional distress

  • Anxiety

  • Dual exceptionalities

  • Addiction issues

  • Social/Behavioral Issues



Successful students have strong foundational skills in reading, writing, and math.  We provide targeted instruction based on individual student need. Our teachers specialize in building relationships with children while developing individualized lessons and personalized goals. 


Our academic coaches provide the organization, instruction, and encouragement necessary for students to complete assignments and to gain the momentum they need to be successful during the school day and at home.


Sometimes parents find themselves homeschooling and are not sure where to turn for support. We work with families to create a plan for their child while they find the right school or therapeutic placement. We provide parent consultation as well as direct instruction to students during the school day.  

Parent Support and Advocacy

Being able to communicate and work effectively with school staff, when your child is experiencing learning challenges, can be overwhelming. Our goal at BES is to support families by working collaboratively with the team of professionals who serve their child. At BES, we emphasize a child-centered model as we support parents through 504 and ARD planning and meetings, school communications and school transitions.  Our unique team of parent coaches can assist parents in identifying and prioritizing the steps that need to be taken, to best support their child. 


Dyslexic students benefit from specialized instruction in reading, spelling and writing. The Academic Language Therapy intervention, which is administered by a specially trained educator (Academic Language Therapist/ALT), offers cumulative, structured lessons which begin at the ground level to ensure foundation skills are known. The goal of these lessons is that students work toward mastery in their understanding and processing of language, and that they learn strategies for identifying, spelling and writing words, as well as reading comprehension.

Speech Language Therapy

Children with social skills challenges demonstrate a lack of “know-how” rather than a lack of social interest. They want to participate, but they just don’t know how, where, or when to begin. Our speech-language pathologists focus on guiding children through interactive experiences to enhance self-esteem, self-advocacy, empathy, taking another’s perspective, and cooperation skills. Our intervention supports children in the following areas: Cultivating friendships, verbal expression of thoughts, ideas and feelings, compromising and problem solving, and managing unstructured transitions throughout the day.

Student - Lauren Bajwa Boutique Educational Services